Monday, May 4, 2009

My Intrigue With Bi Curious Women

Let me introduce myself, I’m a native New Yorker and full time lesbian, since 1990. I’ve been blessed with a full life, filled with experiences with people and places around the world. I’ve frequented lesbian venues worldwide and I am somewhat of a chameleon, fitting into any straight environment without detection.

Recently I was watching the Oprah Winfrey Show where the topic was “Women who leave their husbands for other women”. I found this so intriguing that I placed an ad on craigslist looking for women who where bi curious or married who would be interested in being introduced to the lesbian community by muah…a “try before you buy” if you will situation.

Now, I wasn’t offering sex or a date …but I was offering a wing woman or lesbian escort type of situation...accompanying bi curious women to some of New York City's lesbian hot spots.
Well the emails and pictures came fast and furious. Married, separated, bi curious, with boyfriends, without boyfriends, you name it! All very professional, career women who didn’t really need a man, or at least in my opinion they didn’t.

So to make a long story short, I decided to post an informative blog to provide information and answer questions about lesbians and the lesbian community.

I’ll also be hosting an event in the near future to further network bi curious women with open minded lesbians, so please make sure you contact me if you’d be interested in being added to the mailing list.

So, do you think this blog could be helpful to you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think it's great someone actually thought of our situation!
It's so hard to know where to begin so this is def a space to begin. Looking forward to this whole experience.